Thank you for your visit! The iron balls are used to keep the food warm, and the spiciness is a signature aspect of Korean cuisine. However, I will certainly consider the other points you mentioned. I look forward to welcoming you again soon.
We genuinely appreciate your feedback, and we'd be delighted to respond to your thoughts on Google. Additionally, if you choose to share images of your dining experience, we would be honored to showcase them here as well. Your engagement means a lot to us, and we look forward to the opportunity to connect with you both through words and visuals. Thank you for considering sharing your experiences with us..
2024.09.09 05:15
Jeff Motive-I eat a lot of very spicy food, but this was overboard.
조회 수 678
Prev Mia H.-I will definitely be coming back again for this dish, ...
Mia H.-I will definitely be coming back again for this dish, ...
2024.09.09by admin
Jaymie Chudiak-I can grab it on my lunch bread which is perfect! Next
Jaymie Chudiak-I can grab it on my lunch bread which is perfect!
2024.09.09by admin